Rose Life Coaching
Morning Meditation
The last days of summer are here. For many, this summer was not the fun and free times they normally are. Instead they were filled with antibacterial sprays, hand sanitizer, masks, and vigilance of an unseen contagion. It meant no hugging, staying away fro people, sometimes in solitude. This feeling is grief. This is cracking open.
27:00 minutes (37.09 MB)
Morning Meditation
Right now is the perfect time to create something new in your life. Now is the time to really see the patterns that may have kept you stuck. Right now patterns don't seem to work well as everything is different day to day. I invite you to take this time to feel into newness and invite change. It is the perfect time to make this investment in yourself!
27:01 minutes (49.46 MB)
Morning Meditation
Words are seeds. What is the result you want to grow from your words? Are you wasting them on deadened soil? Honor equality by speaking your words of unity into fertile soil. Allow the richness of the growth of that gently enliven the deadened soil. This is unity, this is blazing the new road that is filled with peace, kindness, respect, and equality. The time is now to get rid of that shards of the old way. It got us here, but there is more to do. What word seeds will you plant today?
27:00 minutes (49.45 MB)
Morning Meditation
Forgiveness is the key to freedom and new ways of being. This is just not forgiveness of others, but of yourself as well. This Hawaiian forgiveness technique if simple and powerful to clear the walls built up inside and really see the new opportunities and love behind the walls.
27:01 minutes (49.46 MB)
Morning Meditation
The suit we wear (Our physical bodies) can hold a lot of unwanted stories, lies, perceptions, or expectations that we did not ask for, invite, or knowingly accept. Sometimes this energy takes up residence inside us and shapes us into something we do not want to be or feel things we do want to feel. Today, you have the opportunity to return that part of the suit to the person who gave it o you. You get to open up a brand new part of yourself to live FREE!
27:00 minutes (49.45 MB)
Morning Meditation
Your mind hold so much power. Thoughts and old feelings can weigh you down. The good news is, energy is always being transformed. The key is for YOU TO LET GO! That is the exact thing this meditation will help you to do. The energy is ready to be something new.
27:36 minutes (50.54 MB)
Rose Life Beginner Meditation
Things in the world may seem so uneasy right now. Today I wanted to offer a simple meditation. This is perfect if your thoughts or mind may be overwhelmed, if you have never meditated before, If you may have tried before but felt you were doing it wrong, or if you are just needed an easy and relaxing meditation. May this replenish your mind, body and soul. You matter, and we can get through this.
27:01 minutes (49.46 MB)
Morning Meditation
27:01 minutes (49.46 MB)
How do you feel about yourself? Does it feel like you have an angry roommate living in your mind? Do you give up on your self easily or maybe ignore the sparks of the hopes, dreams, and desires as they come in? It does not have to be that way. Please use this mediation to empower yourself . Be your own best friend. Work together to achieve those dreams. You can do it!