
Conscious Voices Paving the Pavey, and a tribute to MarShawn

59:59 minutes (54.91 MB)

Columbus social justice activist MarShawn McCarrel ended his life, but his legacy continues. A brief tribute to a fallen comrad.
Developers have their sights set on a block of historic buildings in Old North, but residents in the area are organizing to stop them in their tracks.

Conscious Voices Appalachian Voices and Northam Park

59:35 minutes (54.55 MB)

Monologue connecting Cecil the Lion and Mountain Top Removal and police shootings of Black folks. Interview about a proposed new Gas pipeline in Virginia, and an interview with an Upper Arlington resident who wants to save Northam Park from development.

The Other Side of the News Feb. 24, 2014 - FBI report warns about "eco-terrorist" fracking activists

29:50 minutes (27.32 MB)

Bob and Gerry talk about an FBI report that showed a photo of local fractivist Madeline ffitch and implying those against fracking should be considered terrorists.

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