Crumble America Responsibly

3:09:37 minutes (173.6 MB)

Taking calls in the studio..
// Bryan Loves Leggings // Take Your 14 Year Old Driving // Milk In A Bag // Disney Mascot Hierarchy // Sim Job Simulator // Unloading Sad Stories // Pyramid Scheme Job Offer // Ferris Wheel Money // Valuable Relationships // Police Arresting Immigrants During Disasters //Gentrification Via Hurricane // Crumble America Responsibly // Ex-Cult Member Update // Drill Sergeant Joke Book // Bob Dylan Kazoo Music //

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes - 9th Column - D. Austin

57:12 minutes (78.56 MB)

# 271 - The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the 2018 Election Galaxy

59:24 minutes (54.39 MB)

Tonight on the Show, Everything you need to know about the upcoming Election. Issues, Levies, Key Candidates (sorry, Judges, I completely dropped the ball and forgot).

Central Ohio Voter's Guide (from the Dispatch):

the ralph tillis show 138

59:36 minutes (54.56 MB)

a hour full of music

Turn It Up 2018-10-14

2:01:54 minutes (279 MB)

JP Marat - Big Barking Dog - Gayngs - Relayted

They Gayngs are an alternative "super group" collective that includes musicians from Bon Iver, Policia, The Rosebuds, Solid Gold, Doomtree, Megafaun, Marijuana Death Squads and Digitata. This afternoon we play their debut album, released in 2010, entitled "Relayted."

58:30 minutes (107.13 MB) - 9th Column - D. Austin

56:21 minutes (77.39 MB)

Justice For Jacob

1:22:11 minutes (112.9 MB)

Basement Show Yall..
// Stop Tasing Children // Justice For Jacob // Working For Free Instead Of Doing Drugs // Off With A Warning For Doing Slavery // E Pluribus Whoopins // Left Wing Woopin Boys // Papaw Tattoos // Bryans Beans Are Hot //

Donate To Jacobs Legal Fund @

Song - Soudiere - Pardon Me

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes


Our voice mail is 614-918-7455 and the email is

The Other Side of the News October 12, 2018-Climate change

Harvey Wasserman calls in to talk with Bob about the UN report on climate change, good and bad news concerning the end of some nuke plants and the upcoming midterm elections.

29:35 minutes (27.08 MB)

Harvey Wasserman calls in to talk with Bob about the UN report on climate change, good and bad news concerning the end of some nuke plants and the upcoming midterm elections.

Witches Brew- Episode 13

Local Ladies

53:20 minutes (122.07 MB)
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