WINGS: Women's International News Gathering Service is an all-woman independent radio production company that produces and distributes news and current affairs programs by and about women around the world.
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Law & Disorder
Law and Disorder gives listeners access to rare legal perspectives on issues concerning civil liberties, privacy, right to dissent and the horrendous practices of torture exercised by the US government. This program examines the political forces and legislation that are moving the United States into a police state.
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If You Love This Planet
A weekly show hosted by Dr. Helen Caldicott, IF You Love This Planet delivers an hour each week of in-depth discussion about urgent planetary survival issues such as global warming, nuclear weapons, nuclear power, deforestation, toxic pollution, ozone depletion, hunger and poverty, and species extinction. *
If You Love This Planet
A weekly radio program with Dr. Helen Caldicott
If You Love This Planet with Dr. Helen Caldicott delivers an hour each week of in-depth discussion about urgent planetary survival issues such as global warming, nuclear weapons, nuclear power, deforestation, toxic pollution, ozone depletion, hunger and poverty, and species extinction. Each program features one major topic, allowing for an extended conversation with our guest or guests. Clips of lectures by Dr. Caldicott are also part of the mix.
If You Love This Planet endeavors to bring the human, animal and plant health aspects of all environmental issues into sharp focus.
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Between the Lines
Timely information on how to become active on the issues featured on each week's program.
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TUC (Time of Useful Consciousness) Radio
Independent Radio and Video Programs on the untold story - the impact of big corporations on society.
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The Joe Frank Show
Joe Frank radio programs are comprised of four series. The different series chronologically reflect Joe's evolving aesthetic with an emphasis on dramas in the early years and highly personal conversations later. Joe's trademark monologues continue throughout his work.
Addressing timeless subjects and questions, Joe Frank's radio shows are as relevant today as when they were originally produced.
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Sea Change Radio
A show covering the shifts to social, environmental, and economic sustainability.
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The Environment Report
A daily syndicated program committed to revealing the relationship between the natural world and the everyday lives of people.
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Grit Radio with Laura Flanders
Progressive and punchy, this Syndicated show hosted by Syndicated Talk Show Host Laura Flanders is the best of the progressive program Grit TV.
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Informativo Pacifica
Un programa de media hora con noticias nacionales e internacionales con reportes y contribuciones de periodistas de mas de treinta paises de nuestra America y Europa. "Informativo Pacifica" se enfoca en temas como: luchas laborales, de mujeres, Pueblos Indigenas, Afrolatinos y cuestiones de la paz y la guerra. "Informativo Pacifica" examina las causas de la supremacia blanca, discriminacion, racismo y el impacto de politicas neolilberales. Description [English]: A half-hour Spanish language, national and international news program with reports from contributors from more than 30 countries of America and Europe. "Informativo Pacifica" focuses on: labor, women, Indigenous Peoples struggles, and matters of war and peace. "Informativo Pacifica" examines the root-causes of white supremacy, discrimination, racism, and the impact of neo-liberal policies.
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