[Fania All-Stars 1973 LIve at Yankee Stadium

58:31 minutes (107.14 MB)

Happy Anniversary....Again

59:40 minutes (54.63 MB)

Tonight on the show, a look back at the last 12 months of the show with the Best of the show talking about Networking, talking about Politics, talking about Sports, talking about Columbus's Bicentennial, and talking with Biff and Raff.

KEY EVENTS mentioned in tonight's how:
- Volunteer UA Expo (Wednesday from 10-8PM; Upper Arlington Main Library on Tremont Rd., opposite the Tremont Center)
- Earth Day Columbus (Worksites- Saturday & Sunday and Celebration on April 27; http://earthdaycolumbus.org)
- Harmony Project Volunteer Week (April 21-27 along Livingston Avenue Streetcar District corridor between Parsons & Nelson; http://www.harmonyproject.com)
- Ohio Young Professionals Weekend (April 26 @ Gateway Film Center & April 27 starting at Columbus Commons; Multi-Group Mixer also April 26, but @ Kildare's Irish Pub at South Campus Gateway; http://www.ohioyoungprofessionalsweekend.com)

And...The State of the Show Address (which was left off the cutting room floor of tonight's show): http://djbcadventures.tumblr.com/post/48096944518/the-djbc-happy-hour-st...

- When The DJBC Happy Hour Facebook Page gets to 200 likes, the theme(s) for the February 3 & 17, 2014 weeks will be revealed.

Your Music - Spring Jazz Mix

118:29 minutes (108.47 MB)

The Unknown Perspective - April 15, 2013

23:49 minutes (21.81 MB)

Tonight Host Iliana Nomaki Corfias tells her listeners of The Unknown Perspective. We will hear from Upper Arlington students and our own Nicole Jackson on spring break ponders and the life within the season. Stay tuned till the end for a special guest appearance of Firefighter John Keyt as he sneaks us a peak of a day in his life.


48:23 minutes (45.87 MB)

GLEN SKEEN, Communication Worker’s Union leader and one of the founders of Ohio’s new PRIDE AT WORK organization. PRIDE AT WORK is the union-based organization working for unity and to help represent LBGT workers. Ohio is the 10th state to set up a PRIDE AT WORK group. GLEN discusses the founding Set. Convention in Cleveland and how PRIDE is working to help support LBGT issues workers face.

The Other Side of the News - April 16, 2013 - Fraud in the new gas - fracking industry in Ohio

29:55 minutes (27.39 MB)

Bob Fitrakis interviews Greg Pace about a case in which Ohio citizens have their gas wells taken over fraudulently and then had their family's harassed by the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources.

Berbers from America - Berber culture

54:12 minutes (62.03 MB)

Berbers from America

Hi to all our faithful listeners.

We'll be talking tonight about Massinissa d King of Numidia, about his battles and kingdom, we will talk about the play Massinissa the Black Man, and also about Helen Hagan's book and the 2013 Rabah Asma's new album and touring in Algeria to promote the album and celebrate his Come Back for his 30th anniversay of singing.

The song we'll be playing are: Arwah( come to me) by Matoub Lounes, Massinissa agellid n Numidia(Massinissa the king of Numidia)by Meksa Abdelkader, L'Afrik i yerfiqen(Africa belongs to Africans) by Tagrawla, Amusnaw(The wise man) by Lounis Ait Menguellat, and Rabah Asma will sing Hemlaghkem seg ul(I love you with all my heart).

Here is a trailer about Massinissa's play, just for you.


stay tuned tonight at 6:00 pm on WCRS, Berbers from America is hosted by Sonia Ladjadj

Latino Connection April 13 Part 2

58:34 minutes (107.25 MB)

Latino Connection April 13 Part 1

60:00 minutes (109.85 MB)
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