Bourbon Street's Frank Answers My Questions

I've wanted to interview people who work at bars, + other places in the Communities we frequent since I started at a Community Radio station. BSA Hip Hop radio plays via 92.7 / 98.3, 7pm, Thursdays. Our station is a community radio station.

I figured I'd finally start interviewing today, with Frank who works at Cafe Bourbon Street. This is a dive bar with an importance in Columbus music.

I don't see any workers that were part of my day except Panda Express employees because bars are closed. If I'm drinking beers in my living room or from my stoop I don't see Frank as much

Last month I wanted to know which songs Frank listens to when he isn't working.

Today, I wanted to know if Frank had ideas for the economic needs of the small businesses like where he works that are currently closed.

Frank, when did you start working @ Bourbon Street?
Actually I started working at the Summit as a door person in 2010, then became the bartender at Bourbon Street around 2013.

Frank from Columbus or somewhere 3 hours from here?
I'm from Lima Ohio, that's about 1.5 hours NW from here.

Did Frank have a favorite song when you were 13?
Batdance by Prince

Does Frank have a favorite song now?
Recently I've been listening to "Piano" by Kiesza.

memorable show?
Crazy Pills from NY at Bourbon St.

A favorite food @ Extreme Wieners?
It would be the Dogapolypse, I think I'm spelling that right.

Did you live here when Taco Ninja was here? Did you have a favorite food there?
Unfortunately I wasn't.

Frank how should the government assist or supplement small businesses + bartenders?

They should offer low interest loans with deferred payments until 2021 along with stimulus packs,
to allow businesses and bartenders to get a firm financial base while the nation is in recovery.