# 212: Operation: TSR

- Artist: The DJBC Happy Hour
- Title: # 212: Operation: Transit System Review (FULL TWO HOUR SHOW)
- Album: WCRS Podcast - djbc
- Genre: Podcast
- Year: 2017
- Length: 1:59:34 minutes (109.48 MB)
- Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
Tonight on the Show, the Transit System Review (TSR) of the Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) will take effect on Monday May 1, 2017. What YOU need to know about the TSR, and what it is, and why it will forever change the way you get around town.
- GRID-like Pattern in Downtown
- Simplified Bus Lines and Route Numbering
- More Frequent Lines
- More Frequent Service on the Weekends
- Covers More Area in the Standard/Frequent Service Pattern
# 1 Kenny/Livingston (between Riverside Hospital & Reynoldsburg Park & Ride; Standard between Riverside Hospital and Sawmill Road)
# 2 East Main/North High (between Fenway Road & Main St./Hamilton Road; Standard EAST of Hamilton Road)
# 5 W 5th/Refugee (between Grandview and Driving Park; Standard WEST of Fifth Avenue & Riverside Drive and EAST of Whittier St & Seymour Avenue)
# 6 Cleveland/Sullivant (between Downtown and State Route 161; Standard WEST of High & Main Streets and NORTH of Cleveland Avenue & State Route 161)
# 7 Mount Vernon (between Downtown and Fifth and Cassady Avenues; Standard NORTH and EAST of Fifth and Cassady)
# 8 Karl/South High (between State Route 161 and S High & Hanford Street; Standard SOUTH of S High & Hanford St)
# 10 East/West Broad Street (between Westwoods Park and Ride and Whitehall; Standard EAST of Whitehall Park and Ride)
# 23 James/Stelzer
# 34 Morse
# 2L North High/Polaris Parkway
# 3 Northwest/Harrisburg
# 4 Indianola/Lockbourne
# 9 West Mound/Brentnell
# 11 Bryden/Maize
# 12 McKinley/Fields
# 21 Hilliard-Rome
# 22 OSU/Rickenbacker
# 24 Hamilton Rd
# 25 Brice
# 31 Hudson
# 32 North Broadway
# 33 Henderson
# 13 Arlington/1st
# 41 Crosswoods/Polaris
# 42 Sharon Woods
# 43 Westerville
# 44 Easton
# 45 New Albany
# 46 Gahanna
# 51 Reynoldsburg
# 52 Canal Winchester
# 61 Grove City
# 71 Hilliard
# 72 Tuttle
# 73 Dublin
# 74 Smoky Row
Night Owl (Thursday-Saturday ONLY)
Zoo Bus (Summer Season ONLY)
OSU/Airport (Select Dates ONLY)
For more information, go to http://www.cota.com/TSR. Bus Service will be FREE from May 1-7, 2017.
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