
[audio-tag-artist-raw] - [audio-tag-title-raw]

20:50 minutes (11.96 MB)

[audio-tag-artist-raw] - [audio-tag-title-raw]

59:00 minutes (33.76 MB)

buen dia columbus jan 13

58:32 minutes (5.38 MB)

buen dia columbus jan 13

Funkalicious - January 12, 2015

28:59 minutes (26.54 MB)

We are all aware of the everyday stresses that life loves to throw our way. Most of us our juggling school, jobs and/or internships. As if that is not enough, let’s throw in family drama, personal drama and some snow and biting winds while we’re at it. It is not always easy to stay positive, but there is one common go to when it comes to getting out of that funk….MUSIC! Host, Iliana Nomaki Corfias takes Youth Beat to the listeners of Columbus, asking them of their feel good song. The song that turns their funk into something better…FUNKALICIOUS!

Yesterday's Top Secrets - YTS-573--JAN9

1:00:23 minutes (82.78 MB)

pat radio - Sean Woosley, J.R. Fisher, We Used to Drink Together Records comp

59:45 minutes (82.06 MB)

Sean and J.R. play tracks from the comp they are putting out. Party next Friday at Ace of Cups.


57:49 minutes (52.94 MB)

Then there was you

57:13 minutes (52.39 MB)

Street Fight Radio - Let's Stomp Out Fascism In 2015

1:09:09 minutes (63.31 MB)

This week we talked about the injustice of keeping all the good drugs at the pharmacy in a place we can’t get to them, the time to fight against fascism, Chris Kyle pooping in his pants and killing people taking away from his hero status, the old days of doing drugs, and a Cleveland Brown lookin motherfucker.

The break song was brought to you by @brettpain

Guy Clark Jr. - Don’t Owe You A Thang

The closing song was brought to you by @brettpain

Sam Smith - Money On My Mind

Thank you for tuning in we hope you have fun! We don’t want to fill your head full of more ads so we don’t do any on our show. If you want to say thank you back we work on a donation (just a little bit of the change in your pocket) basis. We’d love to use the money for drugs and alcohol but we can’t. We are still making payments on this brand new website from Blizzard Digital and there’s monthly hosting fees! So every dollar or Bitcoin you donate will go towards our continued insurrection.

[audio-tag-artist-raw] - [audio-tag-title-raw]

59:00 minutes (33.76 MB)
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