
# 170: 2015: The Year That Was (In Headlines)

1:00:00 minutes (54.93 MB)

Tonight, a look back at some of the headlines from 2015. From the Black Lives Matter movement, to the Paris terrorist attacks, to the Columbus Mayoral Race, to Marriage Equality, headlines were buzzing in the old year. Plus, a preview of the "New Year's Six" Bowl Games and the Citrus Bowl.

The Other Side of the News December 7, 2015 - December Free Press

29:56 minutes (27.41 MB)

Bob Fitrakis and Michael Alwood discuss the December issue of the Free Press including the suspicious numbers in the Issue 3 marijuana legalization election results

The Other Side of the News December 28, 2015 - Democratic Socialism and Bernie Sanders' campaign

29:41 minutes (27.18 MB)

Bob Fitrakis talks again with the co-chair of the Democratic Socialists of Central Ohio, Simone Morgen, about the Sanders campaign and DSA

Yesterday's Top Secrets - YTS-636--DEC25

1:03:24 minutes (86.86 MB)


58:25 minutes (53.48 MB)

Chitra Srikrishna - RaagTime - Episode 2

29:43 minutes (27.2 MB)

JP Marat - Elle King

59:59 minutes (82.39 MB)

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1:00:00 minutes (34.33 MB)

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59:00 minutes (33.76 MB)

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59:00 minutes (33.76 MB)
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