# 224: 1977: Music & Headlines
2:02:32 minutes (112.2 MB)
"May the Force Be With You." - Star Wars (Episode IV, A New Hope)
- "Blackout '77: Once More With Looting" - New York City went under a blackout for 36 hours.
- The Son of Sam Killer strikes in New York City.
- The Apple 2 Computer is created.
- The Trans-Alaska Pipeline opens.
- South African student leader Steve Biko starves to death.
- Jimmy Carter pardons Draft Dodgers and asks Americans to conserve energy.
- Voyager I & II were launched into the Solar System.
- The last guillotine execution takes place in France.
- Ohio Supreme Court Justice Robert M. Duncan rules in favor of desegregating Columbus City Schools, a landmark and game-changing decision for Columbus City Schools.
- Columbus resident and State employee Susan Perkins is crowned Miss America.
- Jack Nicklaus wins in his very own tournament, The Memorial Tournament in Dublin.
Triple Crown: Seattle Slew
Super Bowl XI: Oakland Raiders
World Series: New York Yankees
NBA Finals: Portland Trail Blazers
Stanley Cup: Montreal Canadiens
NCAA Tournament: Marquette Golden Eagles
College Football: Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Class AA High School Basketball: Linden McKinley Panthers
Heisman Trophy: Earl Campbell, Texas
The Game/Big Ten: Michigan
The Memorial: Jack Nicklaus himself
Roots becomes a cultural phenomenon, airing on ABC for eight consecutive nights.
Star Wars is released for the very first time, starting a global franchise that has blasted into the galaxy for over 40 years.
Censors are aghast of controversial shows Soap and Three's Company.
The Mary Tyler Moore Show goes out on top and on Happy Days, the Fonz literally jumps the shark.
The King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley, passes away.
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JP Marat - Classic Marat - Alexander Nevsky
57:27 minutes (78.89 MB)
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Conscious Voices Twilight Bey on the 25 anniversary of the ganbg truce, and Dennis Kucinich at Comfest
59:59 minutes (54.92 MB)
In answer to the on-going controversy over the incident at Comfest regarding a band having been told not to play a particularly incendiary song, "Fuck the Police", written 30+ years ago in response to systemic police brutality in South Central L.A., we have a recent interview with Twilight Bey, one of the members of The Bloods who signed the historic truce between the Crips and the Bloods. It speaks to the circumstances that inspired the song, and reveals an alternate perspective - one of a gang member-turned community organizer as opposed to that of a commercially successful singer commenting from a particular social niche.
The interview was conducted by Pacifica Radio's Davey D.
Also, audio from a speech given by Dennis Kucinich at this year's Comfest.
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Street Fight Radio - Double Dog Dare You To Sell Weed
1:37:53 minutes (96.38 MB)
On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about
// Young Sad Bryan // Running On Brain Stem // Columbus Police Greatest Hits Summer 2017 // Sit In At Rob Portman’s Office // The Police Should Stop Doing Their Job // Does Space Suck? // Income Tax Court // Double Dog Dare //
Closing Song - Lindi Ortega - Run Down Neighborhood
The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!
9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes
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29:03 minutes (27.97 MB)
Free Press Editors Bob and Michael discuss the July issue of the Free Press, about the attack on the BlackPride4, the fracking under the Wayne National Forest, and other articles
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# 223: The 2017 Bryan Awards Nominations
58:45 minutes (53.79 MB)
Tonight on the show, the Bryan Award nominations, plus a preview of the Emmy Nominations.
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The Other Side of the News July 7, 2017 - Dan Dougan interview
29:09 minutes (28.08 MB)
Bob and Dan talk about Staches, Little Brothers, and how these venues were an integral part of the progressive community in Columbus
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Conscious Voices Save Medicaid, and an interview with Wriply Benet, one of the Black Pride 4
1:00:00 minutes (54.93 MB)
The Ohio state senate may try to override Governor Kasich's veto of an item in the state budget bill that would drastically cut Medicaid. Audio from a Columbus rally to save Medicaid featuring Rev. William Barber.
Also, a feature-length interview with Wriply Benet, one of the 4 people arrested for staging a civil disobedience action at the Pride parade to draw attention both to the killings of Black and Brown trans people, and police violence against Black and Brown folks in general.
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Street Fight Radio - Holy Craft War
1:09:06 minutes (58.39 MB)
On this episode of Street Fight Radio we talked about
// Robby Hobby Lobby Is Waging Holy War // The Creation Museum Could Use A Cracker Barrel // Are Aliens Trying To Kill Us // Civilians On Patrol // Extreme Diving For Terrible Treatment // The Freedom To be Radical //
Closing Song - Good Riddance - Nobody Likes A Cynic
The Street Fight Radio Flat Earth tour is going strong in 2017!
9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes
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