
pat radio - May 19, 2011

59:50 minutes (82.03 MB)

Click the artist's/band's name below for more info about each group.

Play list:
Drakkar Sauna - "Ballad of the Unborn (Cursory Shaker)" from 20009
The Black Swans - "Sunshine Street" from Don't Blame the Stars
Alwood Sisters - "Hold On" from Black Falcon & The Forest Spirit
survivalist - "Human Host" from gURL
The Sewing Machine War - "Weather" from The Sewing Machine War EP
She Bears - "What Morning Brings" from I Found Myself Asleep
The Spruce Campbells - "Black Sunbeams" from Mosques, Museums, & Mausoleums
The Royal Pines - "Perhaps Its Nothing" from Come Forth
The Royal Pines - "Someone Up There (Dont Like Me)" from Come Forth
Wheels on Fire - "Broken Up" from Cherry Bomb
The Growlers - "Gay Thoughts" from 7"
Great Architect - "Cat Part Home for Albert" from Cultural Games
The Spits - "Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya" from The Spits (Vol. 4)
TV Ghost - "The Recluse" from Cold Fish
Whale Zombie - "Islands" from Wale Zombie
Harboring Ghosts - "Snakebite"

The DJBC Happy Hour- May 16th Show

58:01 minutes (53.12 MB)

Originally broadcast for May 16, 2011.

Tonight, the DJBC discusses the Daytime Emmy Nominations, plus previews some of the things going on around town this week.

Fight Back May 13th

30:00 minutes (27.47 MB)

The judge who ordered the kids of a woman with breast cancer to be taken away, Kasich and SB5 petitioning, local events promotion

Fight Back May 13, 2011

30:00 minutes (27.47 MB)

Bob and Connie discuss attacks on voters by state legislation, the woman in North Carolina who had her children taken away because she had breast cancer, SB5 petitioning sites, fracking in Ohio, and how Kucinich might lose his district.

The Beat Oracle - 05/14/2011 (radio edit)

114:32 minutes (115.57 MB)

Talk of the Town - Host Jim Ebright with Jack Burgess

59:46 minutes (54.73 MB)

The DJBC Happy Hour- About Last Night on the National Road

52:12 minutes (47.79 MB)

Original Airdate- May 9th, 2011

On this week's show, the DJBC Happy Hour recaps the Tony Nominations and previews the Daytime Emmy nominations, and takes a trip down the Old National Road, as the Bicentennial celebration of the start of construction of the Old National Road comes through Columbus.

The DJBC Daytime Emmy Predictions-

The DJBC Happy Hour- New Beginnings 2.0

56:00 minutes (51.27 MB)

The premiere of the DJBC Happy Hour, as originally aired on April 18, 2011.

The DJBC Happy Hour- (May 2, 2011)

55:04 minutes (50.42 MB)

In this week's show, we take a look back at the Royal Wedding, plus preview the weekend's events.

Job Hunting Part 2 - May 9, 2011

28:13 minutes (45.23 MB)

Learn more about job hunting with successful interviewing tips!

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