
[audio-tag-artist-raw] - [audio-tag-title-raw]

59:00 minutes (33.76 MB)

The Other Side of the News November 2, 2015 - Bernie Sanders and Democratic Socialism

29:33 minutes (27.06 MB)

Bob Fitrakis talks with the Chair of the Democratic Socialists of Central Ohio, Simone Morgen about the Sanders campaign and Democratic Socialism in the U.S.

The Beat Oracle - 10/31/2015

1:58:46 minutes (154.2 MB)

Conscious Voices Issue 3 revisited

1:00:00 minutes (54.93 MB)

Sonali Kolhatkar takes a look at the recent police brutality incident involving a South Carolina high school student ( segment from Wednesday's edition of Uprising, produced in exile) , and an interview with Ohio Hemp pioneer, Don Wirtshafter about why he opposes Issue 3.

Yesterday's Top Secrets - YTS-620--OCT30

59:54 minutes (82.07 MB)

Yesterday's Top Secrets - YTS-619--OCT29

1:00:28 minutes (82.87 MB)


58:05 minutes (53.17 MB)

A HOUR FULL OF MUSIC - 9th Column - D. Austin

59:39 minutes (81.92 MB) - 9th Column - D. Austin

Thunder - D. Howell
Balancing The Scales - Frank B
Listen Man - Lenad Nitsa-EL
Violent Change
Law & Order
Black Devil (Obama) - Prodigy
Wretched Earth - Great Grand
Anti-Nigga Machine - Public Enemy
No Body Guard - David Banner
The Chase - Lord Supreme
What You Waiting For - Pete Rock
AFRODESIA - Lonnie Smith
Lie - Frost
Dirty Water With Snow - Megaforcez
Watch Dog - Dr. Fuhror

Icy J - Progressive Grind (Sonic Hip Hop Soul XIV)

59:59 minutes (82.37 MB)
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