
Civically Engaged-- Citizens v. Hi-Q Egg Products & a talk with Vicki Garrett of American Community Gardening Association

52:15 minutes (47.85 MB)

A group of citizens from Union County who oppose the proposed installation of a large-scale egg-farm in their community met with Adam Ward, who is legislative liaison of the Ohio Department of Agriculture and Kevin Elder, who is Executive Director of the Ohio Department of Agriculture's Livestock Environmental Permitting Program.

The company, Hi-Q Egg Products wants to build a facility near Mansfield that would involve 6 million chickens. Citizens formed the group called No More Chickens because they are concerned about , as their website says “the further negative impact that this facility will bring to our health, ground water, streams, air, soil, property values and roads.”

The meeting between community members and Adam Ward and Kevin Elder of the Ohio Department of Agriculture was part of the Ohio Environmental Council’s Environmental Lobby Day. It’s an event via which members of the community, along with members of environmental groups meet with Ohio legislators.

The conversation you will hear took place in the State House atrium. It was noisy. About 12 or 13 people sat around a banquet table in the echo y atrium, struggling to hear one another. I huddled closely with the people at the table in an attempt to hear what was being said.

The meeting between community member and Adam Ward and Kevin Elder of the Ohio Dept of Agriculture interested me because the concerns that were being voiced is a specific case which reflects the broader issue of problems associated with some aspects of industrialized agriculture.

When I spoke with some of the people working with the community group NO MORE Chickens , some of them said that promoting local and organic food is part of the solution

Civically Engaged---Columbus Ohio Celebrates Earth Day 2009

57:30 minutes (105.28 MB)

Columbus commemorated Earth Day 2009 with many work-site events around greater Columbus on Saturday April 18, and with a celebration at Goodale Park on the following day.

The music you are hearing is from System Theory, recorded at Dick’s Den on High Street. Just a Frisbee throw south of the Blue Danube, the jazz bar is , in my opinion, one of Columbus’ cultural and historical sites.

On keyboards is Scott Steeleman . On bass guitar Jim Tussing. On drums and moog synthesizer Adam Smith, not to be confused with the economist. On flute is Michael Cox.

Some might call the Earth Day event a celebration. Some might call it an observance of Earth Day, not wanting to use the term ‘celebration,’ due to thinking that humanity has many tough ecological challenges before us. Some might say its premature to celebrate any sort of achievement in terms of dealing with our eco-challenges.

But another way of thinking of the Earth Day event is think that there are things to celebrate, such as the fact that many people are working together to address our eco-challenges and not giving in to cynicism and hopelessness.

Some people might also say that environmentalism has at its roots a celebration of life-or perhaps a celebration of, and appreciation for, the physical and mental health of human beings, and other sentient beings, and an appreciation for the Earth’s services

upon which, not only life, but quality of life depends.

So, with that line of reasoning, Earth Day can involve celebrating life and appreciating the quality of life we have.

But how much of that celebration is based on our sense of what we have accomplished in terms of making our lives and our communities more ecologically and socially sustainable? You tell me. Go to Civically Engaged DOT NET to give your input. It would be great to hear from you.

Larry Kensington - Nightmix 01-01-10 Part One

58:39 minutes (53.7 MB)

The first hour of the first Nightmix of 2010 imparts the lesson that great virtuosity is about much more than playing a lot of notes at blazing speed. Classical pianist Lang Lang plays Chinese folk melodies. Guitarists Adrian Legg and Jimi Hendrix show their great ability to play pretty. And a very good Eastern European orchestra plays movie music inspired by the most popular wizard since Merlin.

Larry Kensington - Nightmix 01-01-10 Part Two

58:35 minutes (53.64 MB)

The music called "new grass" is best described as bluegrass with a postmodern attitude, and one of its finest groups, the Greencards, starts things off in the second hour of this week's "Nightmix." Other music includes some of the traditional country and jazz sounds that have influenced new grass.

[audio-tag-artist-raw] - [audio-tag-title-raw]

57:21 minutes (105.03 MB)

The World Party - Show 31 (December 29, 2009)

59:33 minutes (81.79 MB)


The World Party features energetic and eclectic dance and party music from all corners of the globe!

  • Show 31 originally aired on December 29, 2009.

  • Show 31 features dance and party music from the USA, Italy, Japan, Jamaica, South Korea, England, France, South Africa, Pakistan, Colombia and more!

Larry Kensington - Nightmix 12-25-09 Part One

58:33 minutes (53.61 MB)

Thsi week's program is a straightforward celebration of Christmas, with appropriate music and a couple of poems.

Organize CBus Collective - AfricanPeoplesRevolutionaryParty-OneUnifiedAfrica-Final

65:24 minutes (59.88 MB)

Artist - [audio-tag-title-raw]

73:02 minutes (66.88 MB)
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