Audio by title twangtacular_ep_23_-_surfin_in_december

Twangtacular Ep. 23 - Surfin' in December!

Hold off the winter a little bit longer with the sounds of surf, a truly Americana spin on twang technology! You can listen to this and every episode of Twangtacular on-demand and for free on Mixcloud and at You can also follow the show on Instagram @Twangtacular and if you still like to listen to radio the old fashioned way and you’re in Ohio and passing through Columbus on Saturdays at 3pm or Sundays at 4am, you can listen live on 92.7 FM and 98.3 FM. WCRS: Community Radio Columbus.

59:56 minutes (54.87 MB)


  1. Let It Snow - Los Straitjackets
  2. Easy as Pie - The Surfrajettes

    Toasted Western - The Surfrajettes

    Clam Chowder - The Surfrajettes

    Big Noise from Waimea - The Ebb Tides

    Hava Nagila - Dick Dale

    Secret Surfin’ Spot - Dick Dale

    Surfs You Right! - Laika & the Cosmonauts

    Pink Pantheratu - Messer Chups

    Ian Fleming Theme - The Menn

    Supertubos - Los Coronas

    Come On - The Stangs

    Giant Dipper - The Tourmaliners

    Meat Swamp - The Greasy Gills

    The Electrons’ Theme - The Electrons

    Swingin’ and Surfin’ - Annette Funicello

    Loophole - The Royal Coachman

    The Jester - The Jesters

    I Wish I Could Swim - The Mermen

    Your Summer Dream - The Beach Boys

    Theme from “The Endless Summer” - The Sandals

    Frosty the Snowman - Los Straitjackets