Audio by title transition_central_ohio

Debbie Crawford of Transition Central Ohio

4:14 minutes (3.89 MB)

"Fear is not a good motivator. It may have a quick effect on some people. But I know w/ me, it almost makes me feel immobilized. If you're going to scare the hell out of me, it's not going to lead me to action."

Mac Crawford, Transition Central Ohio

11:09 minutes (10.21 MB)

Some Columbus residents are part of Transition Central Ohio which is part of the international Transition Network based in the UK.

Mac Crawford and his wife Debbie Crawford spoke w/ about 15 people who were gathered, w/o AC, in the Spore Print Info Shop on W. 5th, to discuss ways to cope w/ peak oil.

Crawford, Clinical Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at OSU, is working on making our local and regional public health systems more ‘resilient.’

People who are part of the international Transition Network seem to use the term ‘resiliency’ frequently in their attempts to bend their minds around how communities may prepare for and adapt to peak oil.

Crawford said the transition movement doesn’t have all the answers.
“It may not even work. We don’t know. Right now, it’s a big experiment. But we do see it as a hopeful way to proceed."

"The only other way to proceed is to either ignore the issues or hope they get better, hope there’s a technical solution, hope that science comes up w/ a new energy source that is non-polluting, so that we can continue this culture the way it’s been going.”

Crawford is not counting on technical solutions to peak oil.

"We need to find a lower energy way to get by and I’m hopeful that we’ll do that. But there’s no guarantee,” Crawford said.