Audio by title leading_and_legislating_-_july_8_2019
Leading and Legislating - July 8, 2019
Youth Beat Radio is pleased to support youth taking the lead on so many critical community and environmental issues. This week we continue our coverage on youth in government by featuring the Junior State of America Ohio River Valley Chapter at their annual state conference held at the Ohio Statehouse. We talk with Ohio River Valley Chapter former Governor Gene Kim and Deputy Director of Political Activism Jacob Kravitz. They discuss what they've learned during their time in JSA and how this student run organization can lead to greater understanding of current issues, the legislative process, and lifelong leadership skills. We'll also hear from reporter Nicole Jackson who met with leaders at the Children in Nature Network to discuss how they're getting youth active in nature. Finally, we'll wrap up with an OSU student Khalid talking about the effects of a natural disaster on the other side of the world in Somalia, and what we can do to help.
27:28 minutes (37.73 MB)