Audio by title four_seasons_city_farm

'Blue' who works w/ Four Seasons City Farm

3:51 minutes (3.52 MB)

Regarding the question of how to grow more food in our communities, Blue said “The reality is, starting at this level, at the ground level, it’s basically where the community itself is able to get involved a little bit and see there’s actually space around them that can possibly be used for gardening. Just these empty plots--we’re on one, and there’s one right next door to us and one right across the street. They can be used also. I’m sure scattered around the neighborhood, there are plenty of spots that are available.”

Blue said when people see and talk w/ people in their communities who are growing food, it makes the point in a very tangible way. However, he said so far while doing gardening in the community, there haven’t been many people from the neighborhoods getting involved. He said canvassing the neighborhoods along with having events w/ free food and music might help to get more people involved.